Family Business Succession Basics

Only about 25% of family businesses survive for 15 years or more, and only about 25% of the “survivors” will survive the transition to the next generation. Many factors contribute… Read More »

Give While You Live

Kingdom Advisors founder Ron Blue takes an interesting approach to estate planning.  He advocates lifetime giving as a way to assure that the objects of your bounty are worthy recipients… Read More »

You have to Plan to Win

The clock will wind down on all of us some day, and most of us are going to need some level of long-term care before it does. Winning the game… Read More »

Passing on the Family Business

Only about 25% of family businesses survive 15 years or more, and only about 25% of the “survivors” will survive the transition to the founders’ descendants. Many factors contribute to… Read More »

What is a Trust?

A trust is created when a person transfers “stuff” to a trustee, who will manage the stuff for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries. “Stuff” includes real property—such as… Read More »

Hiring a Caregiver is Tricky

You may be tempted to treat a caregiver as a “private contractor” in order to avoid the humbug of tax withholding and buying the right insurance policies. You would do… Read More »

Legacy of Aloha

Estate planning is the process of protecting that which is important and then passing those important things on to our loved ones and future generations. Many concepts that are central… Read More »

The Time to Plan is NOW

When I was in elementary school in the 1960’s, my family’s set of encyclopedias claimed that I could expect to live to the ripe old age of 70. That seemed… Read More »