By not paying for what you really need, you can end up paying too much for a bargain-basement estate plan. This article gives you 12 questions to ask before engaging an estate planning attorney.
Posts Tagged: Estate planning
IRA Do’s and Dont’s
A recent Morningstar Advisors article outlines some estate planning strategies to take maximum advantage of your IRA’s tax-saving benefits.
Big Break for Family Businesses
Families now have the chance to pass a substantial stake in their businesses to the next generation—even before handing over the reins. But transferring ownership can raise complicated succession and estate-planning issues that families need to address before giving away so much as a share of stock.
Will a power of attorney give me the authority I need to cause my unwilling 92-year-old parent to stay in an assisted living facility?
Another “ask the expert” question featured at This one deals with the tough situation of having to override a senior family member’s choices when he she loses the ability to make good decisions.
Are monies received via personal service contracts entered for Medicaid planning purposes subject to self employment tax?
Another “ask the expert” question featured on This one relates to personal service contracts used in Medicaid planning.
Is there a legal way to protect any of my elderly parents’ assets and have Medicare/Medicaid pay for extended nursing home care in the event it is necessary?
Here is another featured question from the ElderCareMatters website. It deals with Medicaid qualification.
My parents moved from Missouri to Georgia; do they need new estate planning documents, and does the fact that my father has Alzheimer’s make a difference?
Another ask the expert question featured at This one deals with the portability of estate planning documents and capacity to sign documents.
Do I have to redo my Florida pourover Will and trust when I move to New York?
Here is another featured question and answer published at It relates to the portability of estate plans and the need to keep them up to date.
Do you recommend life estates or irrevocable trusts for Medicaid planning purposes?
Here is another of the “ask the expert” questions featured at
Who can be named guardian for my wife who has dementia?
I was honored by being named the featured elder care expert of the week on the national website, Each day, I will be answering questions posed by people from across the U.S. Here is the first question and my answer.