IRA growth after retirement has previously been limited by required mandatory distributions. A new deferment option now allows seniors the opportunity for more retirement account growth.
Posts Tagged: elder law
Beware “Nursing Home Compare”
There is no substitute for seeing for yourself rather than relying on ambiguous rating systems that can be manipulated.
Retirement Truths
Retirement is not all golf and grandchildren. Many people spend years planning for retirement and think they have it all figured out, until they actually retire. A recent Wall Street Journal article set out a few areas where retirees don’t know as much as they think they do.
Having A Talk With Aging Parents
Do your aging parents resist any talk about the future or giving you any of their financial or legal information? You’re not alone.
Medicaid Basics
This is government insurance for people who have very little money that covers, among other things, the cost of nursing home care.
Lawsuit Sheds Light On Medicare Coverage For Rehabilitation
For years, it has been an article of faith that Medicare would not pay for services such as skilled nursing or physical therapy unless that care improved a patient’s health status.
How did this misunderstanding go on for so long?
Don’t Let Long-Term Care Coverage Lapse!
Michael Pirron called John Hancock to ask about the care options covered by his parents’ long term care insurance policies. Their answer was, essentially, “What policies?” The policies had lapsed eight months earlier, and it was too late to send in the past due amount and get them reinstated.
Can Family Wealth Go On For Generations?
Elite families passing their wealth from generation to generation does not just happen. Evidence suggests that it is the exception rather than the rule.
Life Estate: One Way To Pass On The Family Home
A life estate is a deed that entitles you to remain in your home for the rest of your life and allows your designated heirs to inherit it without the hassle of probate-court proceedings when you die.
Just When You Started to Have Some Peace of Mind, The Bill Rolls in
Could you be legally liable for paying for your parents’ care?