According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans today have Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. Thus, it’s likely that you or someone you know has a loved one living with dementia.
Posts Tagged: Alzheimer’s
From The New York Times (April 19, 2011) “Guidelines Allow Earlier Definition of Alzheimer’s”
For the first time in 27 years, the definition of Alzheimer’s disease is being recast in new medical guidelines that reflect fast-mounting evidence that it begins ravaging the brain years before the symptoms of dementia.
My parents moved from Missouri to Georgia; do they need new estate planning documents, and does the fact that my father has Alzheimer’s make a difference?
Another ask the expert question featured at This one deals with the portability of estate planning documents and capacity to sign documents.
Rest In Peace, Dr. Robert Butler
Dr. Robert N. Butler, a psychiatrist whose painful youthful realization that death is inevitable prompted him to challenge and ultimately reform the treatment of the elderly through research, public policy and a Pulitzer Prize-winning book, died July 4 in Manhattan. He was 83 and had worked until three days before his death.