The following is a summary of the most important tax developments that have occurred in the past three months that may affect you, your family, your investments, and your livelihood. Contact your trusted tax advisors for more information about any of these developments and what steps you should implement to take advantage of favorable developments and to minimize the impact of those that are unfavorable.
IRA "Charitable Rollover" Expired. The ability of IRA owners aged 70-1/2 or older to make certain tax-advantaged charitable gifts from their IRAs has expired. This is a popular provision that, hopefully, will make its way back into the Internal Revenue Code on a permanent basis. If you are taking your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, then up until December 31 of last year, you could direct that all or part of the RMD (up to $100,000) go to charity instead of to you. Although you would not get a deduction for the transfer, you would not have to recognize it as income. The net result was that you would probably come out money ahead by making charitable gifts directly from your IRA. Stay tuned for developments on this front.
Estate Tax "Coupon" increased, but for how long? The amount you can pass free of Federal gift or estate taxes increased to $5.12 million as of January 1, 2012. That's the good news. The bad news is that according to the laws currently on the books, the Coupon will go down to $1 million and the tax rate will skyrocket from 35% to 55% as of January 1, 2013. Another good reason to stay tuned. Hopefully, Congress will do something about this dramatic tax increase.
Payroll tax cut temporarily extended. The Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011 was enacted late last year. It temporarily extends the two percentage point payroll tax cut for employees, continuing the reduction of their Social Security tax withholding rate from 6.2% to 4.2% of wages paid through Feb. 29, 2012. Shortly after its passage, the IRS instructed employers to implement the new payroll tax rate as soon as possible in 2012 but not later than Jan. 31, 2012. The law also includes a “recapture” provision, which applies only to those employees who receive more than $18,350 in wages during the two-month period (i.e., two-twelfths of the 2012 wage base of $110,100). This provision imposes an additional income tax on these higher-income employees in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of wages they receive during the two-month period in excess of $18,350 (and not greater than $110,100). In addition, under the new law, the social security tax rate for a self-employed individual remains at 10.4%, for self-employment income of up to $18,350 (reduced by wages subject to the lower rate for 2012). Congress is going to try to negotiate a deal to extend the payroll tax cut for all of 2012. If a deal is struck to extend it for the full year, the recapture provision for employees would not apply.
Credit for hiring veterans extended and enhanced. A law enacted last November extended and enhanced a credit for hiring qualified veterans. Before the law was passed, the credit would have been available only if the qualified veteran were hired before Jan. 1, 2012, and only certain veterans were considered qualified veterans. The new law extends the credit for hiring qualified veterans, adds two new classes of veterans who are considered qualified veterans, increases the credit for hiring certain qualified veterans, “fast-tracks” the process for certifying that an individual is a qualified veteran, and provides tax-exempt employers with a credit against payroll tax for hiring qualified veterans. The credit amount varies depending on a number of factors. It can be as high as $9,600 for hiring a qualified disabled veteran. For an employer to qualify for the credit, the qualified veteran must begin work for the employer before Jan. 1, 2013 and other requirements must be met.
New rules for deducting or capitalizing tangible property costs. The IRS has issued new regulations for determining whether amounts paid to acquire, produce, or improve tangible property may be currently deducted as business expenses or must be capitalized. The regulations will affect virtually all taxpayers that acquire, produce, or improve tangible property. They are comprehensive, voluminous and virtually rewrite the rules in this area. For example, they provide detailed definitions of “materials and supplies” and “rotable and temporary spare parts” and prescribe new rules and elective de minimis and optional methods for handling their cost. They also have rules for differentiating between deductible repairs and capitalizable improvements, among many other items. The regulations generally are effective in tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2011. However, to add to their complexity, some of the new rules in the regulations do not supersede prior IRS guidance.
New foreign asset reporting guidance and form. The IRS issued detailed guidance on the new law requiring individuals with an interest in a “specified foreign financial asset” during the tax year to attach a disclosure statement to their income tax return for any year in which the aggregate value of all such assets is greater than $50,000 (or a dollar amount higher than $50,000 as the IRS may prescribe). In addition, the IRS issued Form 8938 (Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets), which individual taxpayers will use starting in the 2012 tax filing season to report specified foreign financial assets for tax year 2011. The guidance consists of detailed temporary regulations. They define terms that apply for purposes of the reporting requirement; provide rules to determine if a specified individual must file a Form 8938 with their annual return; define what are specified foreign financial assets; detail what information needs to be reported; provide guidelines for valuing specified foreign financial assets; list exceptions to the reporting requirements; and describe the penalties that apply for failure to comply with the reporting requirements.
Standard mileage rates flat or lower. The optional mileage allowance for owned or leased autos (including vans, pickups or panel trucks) is 55.5¢ per each business mile traveled after 2011. For 2011, it was 55.5¢ for miles driven after June 30 and 51¢ per mile for miles driven before July 1. Further, the 2012 rate for using a car to get medical care or in connection with a move that qualifies for the moving expense deduction is 23¢ per mile. For 2011, it was 23.5¢ for miles driven after June 30 and 19¢ per mile for miles driven before July 1.
New Form 8949 replaces Form 1040, Schedule D-1. Many transactions that, in previous years, would have been reported on Form 1040, Schedule D or D-1 must be reported on Form 8949 if they occurred in 2011. Specifically, a taxpayer uses Form 8949 to report:
- The sale or exchange of a capital asset not reported on another form or schedule,
- Gains from involuntary conversions (other than from casualty or theft) of capital assets not held for business or profit, and
- Nonbusiness bad debts.
The taxpayer uses Schedule D to figure the overall gain or loss from transactions reported on Form 8949 and to report capital gain distributions not reported directly on Form 1040, line 13, a capital loss carryover from 2010 to 2011, and certain specialized items.
Withholding requirement for government contractors repealed. A law enacted in 2005 was to have required the Federal government and the government of every state, political subdivision of a state, and instrumentality of a state or state subdivision (including multi-state agencies) making certain payments to a person providing any property or services (e.g., payments to a government contractor) to deduct and withhold 3% from that payment. Although the withholding requirement was originally set to apply to payments made after 2010, it was subsequently deferred to apply to payments made after 2012. A law enacted in November 2011 repealed the government contractor withholding requirement.
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